With Daily Updates we are offering free listings of published insolvency proceeding of german companies. Check, if a company can be found which is known.

Publications of insolvency proceedings by company name (A-Z).

To get more information about the insolvency proceedings, the status of the company and register data of a german company click on the link behind the company.

Information Services of Insolvency Proceedings

To get quickly information on reports of insolvency of a company. Optionally, a certificate of registration and supervision (monitoring) can be ordered. The monitor automatically delivers all incoming messages to the company and the ongoing bankruptcy proceedings.

Our information services provides the following data:

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  • File No. of Insolvency Proceeding
  • Opening Date & Time of the insolvency proceeding
  • Register Court Data
  • Administrator (address and contact details)
  • Additional information (deadlines, dates) depending on the process level


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